ما بدأ كمظاهرات إبّان مقتل جورج فلويد على يد شرطي في منيابوليس، تحول بسرعةٍ إلى حركة احتجاج عالمية. فخلال أقل من 10 أيام، انتشرت المظاهرات حول العالم في مدنٍ مختلفة للتعبير عن الدعم لحركة Black Lives Matter ورفض عنف الشرطة.
So far #BlackLivesMattter protests have occurred in:
– All 50 States
– Britain
– Germany
– France
– Denmark
– Italy
– Brazil
– Mexico
– Ireland
– New Zealand
– Canada
– Poland
– AustraliaThis is why we CAN’T STOP. The global community stands in solidarity.
— Chise 🧬🧫🦠🔬💉🥼🥽 (@sailorrooscout) June 3, 2020
والآن، بعد أسبوعين من الحراك، ليس هناك أي إشارةٍ بأن المظاهرات ستهدأ. ولرؤية مشاهد التضامن مع الحركة من حول العالم، جمعنا لكم هذه الصور والفيديوهات المؤثرة من مدنٍ مختلفة.
This is incredible.
Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey showed up to a protest & tried to spew hollow platitudes about "putting [police] in their place." The organizers asked him if he would commit to defunding the police.
He said no.
They forced him to leave.pic.twitter.com/i5Jua7XW0M
— jordan (@JordanUhl) June 7, 2020
Paris says Black Lives Matterpic.twitter.com/YquMEv6sT5
— Yasmina Bennani (@YASMINAREBEL) June 2, 2020
لوس أنجلوس
This is the crowd at a #BlackLivesMatter protest in Philadelphia. WOW. pic.twitter.com/8dKT6YoJHJ
— Dana Whyte (@dwhytereports) June 6, 2020
Protest happening in Amsterdam at the moment #BlackLivesMatter #Amsterdam #BeSafe #GeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/vZ8JKsVXKm
— Gideon (@gideon_fm) June 1, 2020
"Koreans for Black Lives Matter" pic.twitter.com/n7jygIiGNv
— Raphael Rashid (@koryodynasty) June 6, 2020
John Boyega now and forever pic.twitter.com/UsSYtmyudc
— Jacob Oller (@JacobOller) June 3, 2020
More than 50,000 people in Sydney, Australia for Black Lives Matter protests. Wow. pic.twitter.com/lpcti35lJX
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) June 6, 2020
Not only in the United States. Not only in Colombia. Black lives matter everywhere.
This protester stands in solidarity with Afro-Colombians after the murder of Anderson Arboleda.
🇺🇸🤝🇨🇴 pic.twitter.com/xksv5Ex9bf
— Parceros United (@ParcerosUnited) June 4, 2020
This put me into tears. Syrian artists Aziz Asmar and Anis Hamdoun with their mural of George Floyd in Syria's northwestern Idlib province on June 1, 2020. #blacklivesmatter
Photos by AFP’s @omar_hajkadour pic.twitter.com/XyiJ0XBMpO
— Mariam مريم (@MariamKirollos) June 1, 2020