Following “Suits” and “The Office,” CBS’s “The Good Wife” is the latest series to be granted an Arabic adaptation. Originally released in 2009, the series will be getting a revamp over a decade after it first aired on screens. Titled “Fi Mahab Al Reeh,” the Arabic iteration of the award-winning program will consist of 45 episodes, divided into three seasons, all helmed by Cairo-born director Ahmed Khaled Mousa.
“The Good Wife” is an American judiciary series that premiered in September 2009 and lived all the way up to May 2016. The brainchild of couple Robert and Michelle King, the show follows Alicia Florrick, played by Julianna Margulies, who has to now navigate through life with her two children without the support of her husband who is now behind bars following a disheartening case.
Now being re-adapted to fit the Middle Eastern market, the internationally-acclaimed series is back with a new storyline as well as a star-studded cast that will include some of the region’s most famous faces including Syrian actress Jumana Mourad, “Perfect Stranger” actor Eyad Nassar, as well as Tunisian superstar Hend Sabry who was recently awarded a commemorative pin and certificate to highlight her “dedication and service and for contributing to the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.”
Although no official release date has been set, we cannot wait to watch the remake on our screens.