These Are the Jordanian Brands We Know and Love

This new wave is certainly not walking on thin ice

Shaped by conflicts and what sometimes feels like never-ending political stress, the Jordanian Kingdom is not outwardly your typical fashion and design hub. Recently enough, the industry has been relying on a new wave of young gifted designers that are flaunting a creative genius that could even bring the Dead Sea back to life. 

Sharing their stories and fervour for fashion through a unique approach to clothing, the Hashemite Kingdom’s artistic endeavours have nothing to envy the Arab world’s. In fact, it is setting the bar quite high while inspiring most of its neighbours. 

Although Amman may not be the fashion capital you would immediately think of, we’ve rounded-up 5 local brands and initiatives that will make you want to rethink that claim completely.

Tania George


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Une publication partagée par Tania George (@taniageorgedesigns)

Established in the capital city of Amman, Tania George’s eponymous brand seeks to make contemporary designs and traditional patterns meet through a wide-range of pastel infused textiles. The summer induced palette of colours have become fully-fledged part of the studio’s signature also having a thing for recurrent monogram inspired fits. 

Jdeed Labs


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Une publication partagée par Jdeed – جديد (@jdeedlabs)

From London to Amman, the Jordanian brand attempts to ‘recommunicate the essence of the Keffiyeh scarf and provide a fresh view of Palestine & Jordan while shining a positive light on a culture so rich with design, craft and beauty’. Through mainly monochromatic pieces, the brand’s first collection also carries a pledge in which the young label seeks to move all labour and craftsmanship to local manufacturers and suppliers in order to bolster employment opportunities for Palestinian refugees living in Jordan. 

To shop Jdeed:

OAO Collection


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Une publication partagée par OAO Collection (@oao.collection)

In a world where gender barriers are becoming increasingly blurry and difficult to define, OAO aims at flattering ALL body types regardless of genders and through comfortable and size flexible garments. Body positive in its essence, the young Amman-based label is slowly starting to make a name for itself through its ample and elegant productions.

To shop OAO:

 Nafsika Skourti


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Une publication partagée par NAFSIKA SKOURTI (@nafsikaskourti)

Half Greek Half Jordanian, the duo of sister’s have been weaving culture, history and humour into polished pieces of clothing. Having established their brand from their home in Jordan, the label uses print, embroidery and precise tailoring to contribute the brand’s mission statement which is to make valuable things that contribute to a positive collective future.

To shop Nafsika Skourti:

Zaid Mushaki


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Une publication partagée par Zaid Mushaki (@zaidmushaki)

Inspired by most things surrounding him, the 28-year-old fashion designer has manifested most of his designs and vision ‘in an unusual manner and unordinary points of perspective to leave his clients in awe”. Very cautious and meticulous from the creative process up until delivery, Zaid Mushaki’s chic and refined wardrobe inspirations are a chockfull of must-have pieces. 

Also Read: 6 Jordanian IGs You Need To Follow

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