All the Times Younes Bendjima Was Your Typical Arab Boyfriend

A look into every Arab girl’s current dream man

Younes Bendjima’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian has made headlines since its beginnings in December 2016. The 25-year-old Algerian model and boxer instantly rose to fame, with women all over the world swooning over his good looks—at one point becoming every Arab woman’s dream man (with a twitter thread to prove it).



But to us, one of the funniest things about the couple, despite his new Hollywood ways Bendjima is not waving his typical Arab boyfriend demeanour.  Here are 5 times we spotted him.


Making his girlfriend jam out to classic Arab tunes




Hypocritically judging her revealing photos despite the fact that he constantly posts many himself



mauvais garçon

Une publication partagée par Younes Bendjima (@younesbendjima) le


Not always paying attention




But paying attention to the important things



Making sure his girlfriend looks her best at all times



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