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Opinions Um Kalthoum

Um Kalthoum Might Be Overrated, And 21 Other Unpopular Opinions

We’re walking the talk of shame

Opinions Um Kalthoum

Let’s face it, we all have a couple of opinions we’re not too proud of. Opinions we’re really not too keen on sharing either. It could be anything from food everyone loves but you absolutely despise, or iconic films that everyone quotes, but for some reason you simply can’t watch past the trailer. 

The backlash many fear of facing if their take on a given matter goes public has kept too many of us quiet and even apprehensive of what would happen if ever ending up challenging the normative status-quo. To be fair, the internet is harsh.

But is it really that deep? In a world where political correctness reigns supreme- we’re here to challenge it– just a little bit. Not everything requires a big fuss, unless you’re a fan of pineapple on pizza. 

For that reason, the team gathered round the table of shame and made some of our most embarrassing, yet honest, opinions loud and clear for all to pry on.

I think Um Kalthoum is overrated – Sofia Guellaty (@sofiaguellaty) Founder

Her songs are too long, her voice seems forced. Team Fairouz all the way, make it light and airy. 

Y2K (TechWear) is ugly – Amina Kaabi (@mmouna) Deputy Editor

I am probably more annoyed that the stuff I wore as a kid is making a comeback, which means I’m getting older.

You’re not an up and coming rapper – Yassine (@1moreyass), Staff Writer

You’re just a dropout with a clout-chasing Instagram and Soundcloud account 

NY Sucks – Sofia Guellaty, Founder

It gives me anxiety, it feels like I’m back in the 90s, I hate everything about it. I would move to the smallest town in the world before I move to New York. 

Any tea other than the Moroccan one is grim and tastes bland – Yassine, Staff Writer

Fight me !

People who treat tracks like their little secrets are creeps – Yusha, Staff Writer

I’ve got Shazam, Anghami and ears man. Just chill.

Cancel small talk – Sofia Guellaty, Founder 

You don’t care about all the random polite questions you are asking me, I don’t care about answering them. Let’s stick to constructive conversations. 

I like Pete Davidson and Kim K together Sofia Guellaty, Founder 

 I think he’s funny and he must be special. You don’t get Ariana and Kim for no reason. 

Tiktok > Instagram – Amina, Deputy Editor

I’d rather scroll through an app to watch people sharing their intrusive thoughts rather than stare at a photo in front of a monument I’ve seen 1000 times. 

Egyptian food is the worst in the region – Yassine, Staff Writer

It tastes like Shami food if you got the recipe wrong.

Private cars should be banned – Sofia Guellaty, Founder 

Careem or Uber, and better public transportation should be enough for everyone.

I don’t get why people idolize Cristiano Ronaldo or Mo Salah – Yusha, Staff Writer

They just score goals, not help end world hunger. And sometimes they don’t even score! 

I’ve never watched Game of Thrones, and I have no intention of ever doing so – Amina, Deputy Editor

I don’t watch shows where characters wear capes and date their sisters. 

Contemporary art is a sham – Sofia, Founder

It’s all about hype and not about art. 

Abs are obnoxious – Amina, Deputy Editor 

No one needs to work out that hard. 

Nightclubs are overrated – Yusha, Staff Writer

Why queue up and let someone decide whether you can pay to join are party you know you’ll regret next morning?

Ronaldo is better than Messi – Yassine, Staff  Writer

Just felt like someone had to give their opinion on this and  it’s true too.

Showering every day is overrated – Mohamed, Intern

I don’t do it, but neither do you. Come clean about it! 

Silent car rides over AUX any day – Amina, Deputy Editor

When no one says nothing at all.

Olives are whack – Yassine, Staff Writer

Quite hard to believe an Arab saying this but honestly, it really isn’t it. Get that stuff off my pizza please x

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